Kamis, Februari 21, 2013

[Request] Dead Trigger FPS game!

Ada request game dari teman lagi nih....
FPS Action Game!
game ini hanya bisa dimainkan pada Gudget High Device

bisa multiplayer online juga lho...
Membunuh para zombie dengan senapan api yang kamu gunakan. akurasi yang tepat sangat menolong pada permainan ini.
walaupun permainan ini bisa dibilang sangat bagus, namun sungguh disayangkan karena tidak support di Handphone saya Galaxy Young

ini ulasannya:

¤ Get the best out of your device
- Stunning graphics with advanced
lighting and post-process effects
- Full 3D characters and environments
with an unprecedented level of detail
- High quality 3D audio and a lively
music soundtrack
- Character animations recorded using
high-end motion capture
- Intuitive controls
- Spectacular ragdoll effects (Tegra 3
- Water simulation (Tegra 3 only)

¤ Enjoy the zombie slaughter in many
different ways: blast 'em out of
existence with lethal weapons, blow
them up with powerful explosives or
chop off their limbs and let them die
- Shoot away their heads, chop off
their limbs... kill them with creativity
- Evolving zombie AI will keep you
- Follow the story or enjoy unlimited
random missions

¤ Load your gun and save the Earth!
- Equip yourself with splendid high-
poly realistic weapons
- Utilise powerful gadgets including a
laser amputator, blade chopper, baits,
mines, grenades, radar and more

¤ New online service from
- Receive free updates with new
missions, weapons, gadgets,
characters and more

Ini Penampakannya:

yang sudah tidak sabar untuk mencicipi permainan ini
langsung saja ya didownload...